Who already know us

Op-Team SL, with over 20 years of experience, has developed more than 300 communication projects for almost one hundred organisations and institutions.

We specialise in the institutional, professional and industrial markets, but what sets us apart is how we offer proposals adapted to the needs of each client. Among others, we have worked for:

  • Cementos Portland Valderrivas

    Publishing and press office

  • Ciments Molins

    Sustainability communications strategy

  • Fundació Privada per a l’Ordenació del Sector de la Construcció a Catalunya

    RECONS campaign

  • ISERN Medical Telecom

    Content for different channels

  • JG Ingenieros

    50th Anniversary Campaign

  • Kilsen

    Drawing up of technical content

  • Laboratorio Girona

    Creation of promotional materials

  • Linde

    Press office

  • Nissan

    Internal communication